Richard’s Wedding
“RICHARD’S WEDDING” is a comedic ensemble film that delves into the complexities of lasting friendships, which often blend jealousy, affection, and absurd egotism masked as self-loathing. The story follows Alex and Tuna as they journey to the wedding of Richard and Phoebe, where they will reconnect with a circle of long-time friends. As they travel from Brooklyn to Central Park, they are gradually accompanied by more friends, each bringing their own doubts, self-importance, and irritating smartphone apps.
Genre: Comedy
Director: Onur Tukel
Actors: Adam Schartoff, Darrill Rosen, Dustin Guy Defa, Jennifer Prediger, Josephine Decker, Lawrence Michael Levine, Onur Tukel, Oona Mekas, Randy Gambill
Country: United States of America