Neko zamurai: Minami no shima e iku
Set during the Edo era, the story follows Kyutaro Madarame, once celebrated as “Madara the Devil,” who now finds himself as a ronin, a samurai without a master. His life takes an unexpected turn when he crosses paths with a white cat named Tamanojo, an encounter that profoundly transforms him. Featuring Kazuki Kitamura, this unique narrative blends the essence of samurai tradition with charming animal escapades, making a grand return to the big screen.
Views: 1
Director: Takeshi Watanabe
Actors: Fuyuki Moto, Hana Kino, Kanna Mori, Kanna Moriya, Kaori Takahashi, Kazuki Kitamura, Kôji Shimizu, Megumi Yokoyama, Takashi Nishina, Yasukaze Motomiya, Yasuomi Sano
Country: Japan
Company: AMG Entertainment, Lineback