Looney Tunes: Rabbits Run
In this animated adventure, Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny find themselves on a wild chase through the bustling streets of New York City and the exotic locales of Paris. The plot revolves around a mysterious flower that grants invisibility, leading to a series of comedic escapades involving a secret agent, a power-hungry villain, and the ever-persistent Daffy Duck. Directed by Jeff Siergey, the film features the iconic voices of Jeff Bergman and Rachel Ramras. While it didn’t receive any notable awards, it offers a nostalgic nod to classic Looney Tunes humor. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Genre: Adventure, Animation, Comedy
Director: Jeff Siergey
Actors: Billy West, Bob Bergen, Fred Armisen, Jeff Bergman, Jess Harnell, Jim Rash, Maurice LaMarche, Michael Serrato, Rachel Ramras, Rob Paulsen
Country: United States of America
Company: Warner Bros. Animation