Set in 19th-century France, this film chronicles the life of Allan Kardec, a teacher and writer who becomes the founder of Spiritism. The narrative follows his journey from skepticism to becoming a pivotal figure in the spiritual movement, facing societal and religious challenges along the way. Directed by Wagner de Assis, the movie delves into themes of faith, science, and the afterlife. It features a compelling performance by Leonardo Medeiros in the lead role. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Biography, Drama, History
Director: Wagner de Assis
Actors: Charles Fricks, Dalton Vigh, Genézio de Barros, Guida Vianna, Guilherme Piva, Julia Konrad, Júlia Svacinna, Leonardo Medeiros, Letícia Braga, Sandra Corveloni
Country: Brazil
Company: Conspiração Filmes
Worldwide Gross: $2,953,700