Jujutsu Kaisen 0
In this animated prequel to the popular series, a young boy named Yuta Okkotsu finds himself haunted by the spirit of his childhood friend, Rika. As her curse becomes increasingly dangerous, Yuta is enrolled in the Tokyo Metropolitan Jujutsu Technical High School, where he learns to harness his powers under the guidance of sorcerers. The film, directed by Sunghoo Park, delves into themes of friendship, loss, and the supernatural. Notably, the movie features stunning animation and intense action sequences that have captivated audiences. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 1
Genre: Action, Animation, Fantasy
Director: Sunghoo Park
Actors: Kana Hanazawa, Koki Uchiyama, Megumi Ogata, Mikako Komatsu, Mitsuo Iwata, Risae Matsuda, Takahiro Sakurai, Takaya Kuroda, Tomokazu Seki, Yuichi Nakamura, 绪方惠美
Country: Japan
Company: MAPPA, Shueisha, TOHO animation
Worldwide Gross: $166,760,828