A therapist working with children from abusive families is found to be implanting them with the memories of her own abuse suffered at the hands of her late father, when…
The suspicious circumstances of a toddler’s death leads Mulder and Scully into a Romanian exorcism ritual involving a young boy possessed by his stillborn twin.
MacGyver and Thornton are left to the mercies of a Romanian agent still loyal to his deposed leader Ceausescu after a mission to obtain his secret files is sabotaged.
The KBG have Lisa in their grasp, and MacGyver must get The Ming Dragon for them to free Lisa. MacGyver enlists the help of his old buddy, Jack Dalton, to…
While helping the People’s Republic of China secure a priceless national treasure—The Ming Dragon—in a San Diego museum, MacGyver runs into a Lisa, a woman that he had loved and…