Set in a fantastical reimagining of Japan during the Meiji Restoration, this animated film follows a wandering ronin and an orc assassin as they join forces to protect a young…
After a telepathic pep talk, the Fairy Tail wizards put their quarrels aside to help Erza take the Thunder Palace down. With part of his plan foiled and another Dragon…
Magnolia’s Harvest Festival has begun and the town gathers to gawk at the Miss Fairy Tail beauty pageant. The guild gets a shock when all the contestants turn stone cold…
With one sick riff, a noisy metalhead transforms Juvia into his own freaky slave and turns her against Lucy! Elsewhere in the castle, Natsu is gobbled up by a bird-brained…
Loke shares his unsettling story with Lucy. Refusing to let her friend fade away forever, Lucy challenges the authority of the almighty ruler of the skies himself!
While a healing mage watches over Makarov, Fairy Tail regroups to plan their next move. But when Jose returns with a giant cannon capable of blasting the entire guild to…
Natsu finally knocks the wind out of Erigor’s sails in a scorcher of a battle—but Fairy Tail’s strongest team still has a war to fight when the death flute’s dark…