Devil’s Mile
“The Devil’s Mile” is a fast-paced blend of gritty crime drama and Lovecraftian supernatural horror. The story centers on three kidnappers who make a reckless decision to take a detour while transporting their hostages—two teenage girls—to their enigmatic and powerful boss. When one of the girls is accidentally killed during a failed escape attempt, the kidnappers’ underlying distrust erupts into brutal violence. However, this turns out to be just the beginning of their nightmare, as they become ensnared by the malevolent forces lurking along the road—a road they soon realize they might never leave. Now, both captors and captive must join forces to fend off the monstrous entities chasing them and find a way to survive.
Director: Joseph O'Brien
Actors: Adrienne Kress, Amanda Joy, Casey Hudecki, Craig Porritt, David Hayter, Frank Moore, Maria del Mar, Samantha Wan, Shara Kim
Country: Canada, United States of America
Company: Devil's Mile, Grovers Mill, Grovers Mill Productions