Art of Deception
In “Art of Deception,” the narrative follows leading scientist Joseph Markham as he uncovers a sinister CIA plot aimed at achieving global supremacy through total mind control over humanity. Faced with an agonizing decision, Markham must choose between saving billions of lives or rescuing his wife, who has been abducted, interrogated, and savagely tortured, yet remains fiercely determined to survive. As a nationwide search intensifies and lethal assassins close in, Markham’s choice will ultimately decide the world’s fate. This film explores themes of survival, love, and the quest for global power.
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Genre: Action, Drama, Thriller
Director: Richard Ryan
Actors: Christopher Erickson, Craig Bruenell, Jackie Nova, Jerry Hansen, Landall Goolsby, Leon van Waas, Nicholas Talone, Richard Ryan, Tannis Hanson, Zac Titus
Country: United States of America
Company: Ox Films