In a dystopian future, where teleportation technology offers a means of escape, two refugees find themselves caught in a tale of forbidden love. Fleeing from genocide, Ekaterina and Anya place their trust in an unreliable underground teleporter, only to be torn apart. As they strive to reunite, the pair becomes entangled in a sinister human trafficking network, manipulated by corrupt political figures.
Genre: Drama, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction, Thriller
Director: Dustin Curtis Murphy
Actors: ailish symons, Beruce Khan, Borislava Stratieva, Chris Kyriacou, Julian Feria, Richard Glover, Ruhtxjiaïh Bèllènéa, Sonia Amini, Therica Wilson-Read, Tian Chaudhry, Tian-Lan Chaudhry
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Addy Films, Streetcat Productions