Fukushima 50 / フクシマフィフティ
In this gripping drama directed by Setsurô Wakamatsu, the story unfolds around the harrowing events of the 2011 Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster. The film focuses on the brave workers, known as the “Fukushima 50,” who risked their lives to prevent a catastrophic meltdown. Starring Koichi Sato and Ken Watanabe, the movie delves into themes of courage and sacrifice amidst a national crisis. While it has not received major awards, it offers a poignant portrayal of real-life heroism. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Genre: Action, Drama, History, Thriller
Director: Setsurô Wakamatsu
Actors: Hidetaka Yoshioka, Hisahiro Ogura, Keisuke Horibe, Ken Watanabe, Koichi Sato, Masato Hagiwara, Mitsuru Hirata, Naoto Ogata, Narumi Yasuda, Shôhei Hino
Company: Fukushima 50 Film Partners, Just Creative Studio, Kadokawa
Worldwide Gross: $7,494,243