Seachd: The Inaccessible Pinnacle
Làn fhìrinn na sgeòil. The truth is in the story. When a young man, Angus, visits his dying Grandfather in hospital he cannot hold back his boyhood quest for the truth – the truth behind the death of his parents and the truth behind his Grandfather’s ancient, incredible, fearful stories. Stories from the whole swathe of Gaelic history of poisoned lovers, bloody revenge, water-horses and Spanish gold. His Grandfather hijacks Angus’ life for one last time leading him to one of Scotland’s most treacherous mountains, The Inaccessible Pinnacle on the Isle of Skye, and an ancient truth he never expected to find. Seachd: The Inaccessible Pinnacle is the first Scottish Gaelic feature film.
Director: Simon David Miller
Actors: Aonghas Padruig Caimbeul, Coll Domhnallach, Crisdean Domhnallach, Daibhidh Walker, Dolina MacLennan, Padruig Moireasdan, Winnie Brook Young
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Young Films
Worldwide Gross: $19,978